Installation & Configurations
Download and install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable (VC++)
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable latest supported downloads (main page)
Direct download link (Use the X64 version)
RSLH will not work correctly without this!!!
Downloading RSL Helper
The RSL_Helper setup file can always be found at:
The file will automatically download to your default download folder.
Follow the install prompts.
Before you run the helper for the first time - Configure Anti Virus, Exploit Protection settings and Firewall
Anti-Virus / Exploit Protection Settings
Since RSL Helper injects its program code into the Raid process which is an external program, a lot (nearly all I guess) antivirus programs are flagging it. Some even silently delete or quarantine the file or even block downloading/saving it. Some Anti-Virus(AV) software detects it as being malicious. For this reason it is suggested to configure an exception for RSL Helper in your AV software.
Note: if you have any other security applications (like avast / webroot / malwarebytes / AVG / BitDefender etc) you need to set similar exclusions in them too - missing that will result in the helper crashing
(click on the links to see required settings for the specified security apps)
The general exception settings for Microsoft Defender is explained below:
(Note: The folder location can end with V4 or V6 - depending on your installation)
How to set anti-virus exclusions (click the video link)
Go to your AV settings
Then Scroll down to Exclusions
Add an exclusion and select the RSL_Helper folder
Go to App and Browser controls, then to exploit protection settings
Go to Programme Settings and Add RSLHelper.exe
Edit the custom settings for RSLHelper.exe and either select override and turn everything OFF
(all 23 settings)
Once this is done correctly - you will have 23 system overrides!
Firewall Settings
In some cases firewall settings can prevent the Helper from either updating correctly, or slow it down (by inspecting the traffic) to the point where it causes errors. To avoid this, it is preferred to add RSL_Helper and the Updater into the firewall allow lists.
In your firewall settings click on "Allow an app through firewall"
- Click on "change settings"
- Click on "Allow another app"
Browse to the RSL_Helper folder and add the RSLHelper.
(Repeat this for the RSLHelper_Updater)
Once added, make sure that Allowed is ticked for all the RSLHelper items in the list.
Note: Some people find that adding RAID to the firewall allow rules help a lot with upgrade timings - since the location of the raid client is different for many people, you will have to find it yourself (Right click on the shortcut and go to properties - then follow the steps above and go to the path that you see in the shortcut properties)
Once Plarium releases a new version, the RSLHelper will stop working until a new update for the helper is available. This is to protect you from unexpected behavior and to ensure your account does not get banned by Plarium.
You can either check every few hours if an update is available by running RSLHelper. It will prompt you to update, as soon as the update is available.
The update screen closes automatically after 5 seconds.
- OK - to proceed with the update
- Cancel - will auto press after 5 seconds
Check the official update channel for the latest status. There will be a post as soon as the update is available.
Join the Discord server on:
Then check the Official RSLHelper channel:
Requirements screen
The screen has 4 main areas:
- The champion area - which is shown in Champion Area
- Reports area - which is shown in Reports Area
- Requirements area - which is shown in Requirements - Run Modes
- Accounts - which is shown in Running Multiple Accounts
- iMode (Top Right)
This will integrate the RAID screen with RSL Helper, so that it looks and behaves as ONE. The Champion and Report area will by default be behind the game screen. You can simply click anywhere in the visible RSL Helper screen to show these areas. As soon as you click Run, the game will show again.
- Status message
information about the current status of a task - Run - Start a Run / Forge / Upgrade
- Status indicator (Spinning Gear) - Indicates that RSLH is busy with runs
If the gear is missing - RSLH has no active runs - Stop - Stop whatever it is busy with
Left Click - will stop it without selling the gear
Right Click - will first sell the gear as per your sell rules, then stop - Minimizes the RSLH window to only show the Requirements area
- Opens the Stage information screen
- Use te "Prev Round" and "Next Round" buttons to switch between the waves & Bosses
- You can also Manually select the content area for which you want to see enemy stats.
This screen provides information on the enemy stats in the dungeons.
Champion Area
The Champion area will show champion stats and info of the champion / team you are currently using (or have used last).
- You can get a more detailed view, by clicking on the champ avatar.
This includes detailed gear info, detailed stats, masteries, blessing, and skills info. - Hovering over the Gear-set Will open information about that gear set
- Champion Stats / Books / Masteries , including the T6 mastery of the champ
- Red Glowing light on the top left of the champion pic indicates that the champion is ungeared
- Yellow Glowing light on the top left of the champion pic indicates that the champion is partially geared
Reports Area
- Current status of the run in progress / last run (if complete)
- Take a screenshot of (left click) champion area only, OR (right click) entire RSLH screen
- Show area bonuses (from LA greathall) for the current area of the run in progress. Updated stats are shown in green in the champion area
- Change the view of rewards earned during the current run task
This can be changed to show the statistics of rewards: - Screenshot of the team with the fastest run time (useful when you are testing different teams in a specific area)
- Show the progress against an event or tournament if you have one targeted - you can also click on the reward icon to change the reward you want to target
- Show details of all the artifacts sold and kept. It will also show which sell rule triggered the decision to sell / keep.
Requirements - Run Modes
- Number of Runs - This will run the number you specify (only wins are counted)
- Multi Level XP is detailed in Multi Level XP (Champion Training)
All to MAX HP will only stop once all champions are on max level
Next to Max HP will stop as soon as any champ reach max level - For most dungeons you need to set one of these options (regardless of having events targeted or not)
Run Effective Resources - Will use all available energy, and then wait for new energy to accumulate and continue the run. (Will not stop once energy is depleted)
Auto Refill - Will automatically top up energy from refills in your inbox, and if there are no refills, will buy energy using gems.
Max Refills - will limit the amount of times energy is topped up with refills / gems to the number specified.
Run Indefinitely (Self explanatory - the clicker will stop only once you are out of energy and depending on autofill settings, out of refills and gems) - Start Time - Set the desired time to start with a run instruction
This is Based on your local system time. Simply select the time you want the Battles to start. And Accept the time. - Shut down when finished - self explanatory. Will shut down the system once the current run instruction is finished.
- Auto Sell is covered in detail in Auto sell Settings
- Content Specific Requirements is covered in detail in Content Specific Requirements
Mini Mode
- To have a Condensed view of the helper - click the mini mode button
Auto Forge
Auto Forge will automatically Enable in the Requirement screen.
- Open the Forge in game and select the set / charms you want to use
Auto Forge will automatically Enable in the Requirement screen. - Note how many of the set you can forge in the game, and set the number of runs to something within that range (if you have 200 available in the game, set the number of runs between 1 and 200)
- Click the Run / Play button
- If you have auto sell rules selected - they will apply to forge items.
Multi Level XP (Champion Training)
Note: We assume that you have your farmer and the first batch of food already set in-game.
Enable "Multi Level XP and click the "Set Food" button to access this area
- Use Vault Champs - will include Champions from your master vault
- Use Reserver Vault Champs - will include Champions from your reserve vault
- Use Faction Guardians - Will include Champions from your faction guardians
- Use only Fusion champs - Will only use champions that have a Fusion tag
- Calculate Rank + Food - Will automatically calculate how many of each level you need to rank to max to level to the next rank (I.e. Rank 2 - Max 1 champ for every 3, as you need to feed 2 to rank the leveled champ) - this is based on the champions you currently have. So if you have 40 3* champions, it will calculate that 10 needs to be leveled.
It will populate these values in the "Auto Select" area - Make sure you select "Use Autoselect" if you don't want to manually click on champ avatars to add them.
- Specify how many champions in each rank you want to level up and click Auto Select
- Add All To Queue - will select all the champions that are not yet on Max level
Clear Queue - will remove all champs from the selection - Use Level Limit - Especially handy during Champion training events and tournaments, where you want to level all the champions to a low level to gain maximum points before you feed them.
RSLH will change the champions out as soon as they reach the level you specified.
Note: RSLH will hide champions that have already reached this level.
Click the Level Limit Setup Button to set or change your limits - Order by Rank - Without this setting RSLH will show champions according to level and the champion bank / vault where they are.
- Manually select champions to level up by clicking on the champion avatars in the list.
A selected champion has a green border
Content Specific Requirements
This is a Dynamic area that changes based on the dungeon area you are in.
Potions Keep (all)
Simply specify how many potions of each type you want to farm.
(The helper ignores 0)
Sand Devil's Necropolis
Simply specify how many Chaos dust and oils of each type you want to farm.
(The helper ignores 0)
Phantom Shogun's Grove
Simply specify how many Chaos powder and extract of each type you want to farm.
(The helper ignores 0)
Minotaur's Labyrinth (champion swap functionality will be in a future update)
As soon as you enter the Minotaur level you want to run, the "Mino Scrolls" settings will become available in the Content Specific Requirements area.
By default it will have max scrolls set, but you can manually edit the amount of scrolls you want to get.
Currently not available - will be available in a future update:
You can use Mino in combination with "set food" to automatically change champions (if you have a few to scroll).
Select the "All Champions to max scrolls" to only change champions once they have all their scrolls (they can reach max level before they have all their scrolls - which would normally result in them being changed once their reach max level)
Iron Twins
- Run effective resources - will run the 6 keys and use available energy
- Auto refill - will buy 6 more keys and energy as required.
Hydra & Chimera
Once you Enter any Hydra difficulty - the Content Specific Requirements will appear.
Note: Set "Run effective Resources"
Mrd = Billion
Mio = Million
Rest = 0-400001
If your run ends and the damage is below the required damage, it will automatically regroup and try again.
If the damage is more than the required, it will wait for you to accept the key..
Champion Index
- Champion Filters - You can filter by various criteria
- Reset Filter
Reset the filter to clear your filters and show all champions. - Sort Champions by Speed, ATK, DEF, HP (Ascending and Descending)
- Show duplicate champions only - this will show all champions (including the main) that have a duplicate and group them together.
- Change View (The alternate view is below)
Inventory Index (Upgrading and Selling artifacts & Accessories)
For those looking for Sell settings - its on the main screen, in the Auto Sell Settings section.
- Select between artifacts or accessories. (You cannot have both open at the same time)
- Options:
Most are self explanatory.
Separate types will provide a view similar to the in game view where artifact / factions are grouped together and seen with a separation between them
Auto Sell Check will use your configured sell file to filter items you may want to sell. - Add all to Queue and Clear Queue
You can either Select all - or you can manually select individual items by clicking on them
Remember to Clear the Queue before starting with a new filter! - Auto Upgrade - type in the level you want to upgrade them to (2-16)
Select the items you want - Click the Play / Run button to start with the upgrades. - You can also use the filters to find specific items
Note: the ⌐ symbol means NOT (i.e. does NOT include speed)
Note: The level filter defaults to level 1-16 (not 0 - 16). If you are missing new items - turn the level down to 0 (ZERO) - Add Selected items to the Sell List
If the sell screen was open in the game while you selected the items, it would automatically add to the sell list as you select them"¦ otherwise, click the "Add Selected to the Sell List" button.
Verify that the number of items corresponds to the number you selected in RSLH.
Note: you have to click sell in the game - RSLH won't do that for you.
WARNING - don't open the sell screen in game halfway through selecting the gear you want to sell - this can lead to incorrect items ending in the sell list. (either open it BEFORE you select items, or AFTER you are done selecting items)
Tools (CB Loot Tracker | Bundle Calculator | Acc/Res + Damage Compare will be in a future update)
Currently not available - will be available in a future update
Your Clan Boss Loot is still tracked - you just can't see it right now
Easily calculate the chance you have of landing or resisting a debuff by entering the accuracy and resistance of both champions.
Calculate and compare the Raw damage of 2 builds. This does not consider any multipliers, as the pure purpose of the tool is to help decide which of 2 builds have the highest damage potential.
Keep track of your clanboss loot over the last year.
You cannot edit this, so any chests collected on other devices will not reflect in this.
Calculate the value of packs in the shop and display a value bar at the top.
The higher the value rating, the better the pack is.
The screen will automatically update for the shop page you are viewing in the game.
(if the page contains configurable options or have multiple deals it will not show automatically)
You can enter these manually:Enter the USD cost of the packEnter the value of items included in the pack
Hydra Clash
This is an informational screen that will provide the previous week's Hydra clash information for the clan.
- Save Hydra statistics to CSV file (open it with any reader that can read CSV files, like MS Excel)
Missions (Arbiter / Ramantu / Marius)
Set RSLHelper to automatically stop once a mission has been completed by going to the Mission screen, and selecting the top mission.
Once completed, the mission will display green, and RSLHelper will stop.
This provides an overview of all Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Advanced quests. When a BattlePass / ForgePass is active it will also be displayed here.
This is informational.
Events and Tournaments
All the current Event and Tournaments will show in the list.
Events / Tournaments in Red are closed and cant be used.
When you first open the events and tournaments, some events may not have data and will show closed. As soon as you do 1 run, it will update and show correctly.
- Select the One you want to use (Tick the orange box),
- then click on the milestone you want the helper to stop at (becomes green highlighted)
- You can also set custom targets for a tournament / event. Click on the target points and type the value you want.
- The Time remaining on the event or tournament is displayed top right
The events should show in the main screen after that:
- Pin the Resources on the right of the screen (remains open)
- Close the Resources screen
Note: If the time specified between clicks / runs / forge is too short, it CAN result in RSLH being too fast for the game's responses, it will become "stuck". This is highly dependent on your internet connection speed and stability. In General, the default values work 100%.
- General Timings - the times RSLH will wait before attempting the next action - refer to the note above.
- Auto Sell Timings - refer to the note above.
- General Settings:
- Use Single Farmer (MultiLvl)
- If you only use a single farmer - select this. It will replace all other champions as they reach the set level in the Set Food screen.
- If you want to use more than 1 farmer (I.e. have a 2-4 champ team in dungeons and want to use the extra spot for food) UNselect this. RSLH will ask you to select which champions are your farmers, and will not change them.
- Load every start the Pos/Size - Resize and move your RSLH and Raid windows to your preference, then click the SaveCur Pos/Size button - Tick the "Load every start the Pos/Size" option to load the same positions and sizes every time you start RSLH.
- Show close popup - show a warning if you close the helper
- Max lose fights in a row - Self explanatory - this is to save you from accidentally selecting the wrong team for a level.
- Auto Refill Timings - the time Helper will wait before and after topping up energy from refills or gems - refer to the note above.
- FPS (Frames per second) - This depends on your monitor refresh rate & graphics card. The higher it is set, the smoother and faster champions move (but with a greater load on your CPU / GPU and higher average CPU temperature).
Note - gear upgrades work fastest at 10 FPS - Play Sound if finished a job - Self Explanatory
You can now select a custom sound file as well as set the volume that it plays.
Donations Page (PayPal)
While the RSL Helper is free for all to use, it takes a lot of time and effort to maintain and enhance. It also takes a lot of resources to test everything before making the new updates available to everyone.
If you want to show your appreciation for all the benefits you get from RSLH"¦ click on the link to donate something. It all helps.
Auto Sell Settings
You can find the Sell settings on the main page.
The RSL-Helper team does NOT create sell-rules. Some sell files are created by helpful players and published in the Discord server in channel rsl-helper-sell-files
Access the sell setup from the Requirements page:
Loading / Saving Sell Files
- Sell File Name
On a new installation - the default "StandardJson.hsf" sell-file is loaded. Before you start adding rules - you have to click Save As (no rules will ever be saved in the "StandardJson.hsf" file) - SAVE AS the new Sell setup (and obviously type a name of your choosing)
Immediately Load the file you just saved and confirm that the file name has updated
Note: Do NOT use a location that is part of a synchronized folder (like onedrive or google drive)...
Sell files saved in synchronised folders frequently become corrupted. - Load setup
Clears everything you had before and loads the file you specify
Note: this step is where the helper writes in the configuration file which sell-file to load on startup. Without this step, the helper wont load your sell-file when you restart it. - Add sell file:
Adds (append) the sell file at the end of your existing one
Starting over with a CLEAN sell file: Click on "Load Setup" and load this blank sell file. Then follow the steps to SAVE AS and and LOAD the newly created file you just created with SAVE AS
Configuring rules (Basics)
>= (equal or greater than): Typically used for KEEP rules
<= (equal or less than): Typically used in SELL rules
¬ (NOT): Does not have the specified substat - Typically used in SELL rules
Sell rules are checked in sequence - according to their number. The first rule that applies to the item, will be used. I.e. if rule 2 keeps the item, and rule 3 sells it \= the item is kept.
- You can assign a rule to more than 1 artifact set by just selecting all the sets that you want.
- Rules only apply to the level of gear that you specified. I.e. a rule for level 0-3 will not apply to gear rolled to level 4 and above. Similar, a rule for level 16 will NOT apply to any gear from level 0-15
This allows all your rules to be in ONE sell-file. (There is no need to have different sell files for rolled and unrolled gear) - Substats: Select the substats you want
Empty Substats are ignored - Substat Values
If no value is specified - the rule only checks if the substat is present - Editing Rules
Note: the Save Edit button only appears after you click the Edit Rule button. - Rule Order
Remember that Rules are checked in sequence
Move rules up / down, or move to a specific number with "Move To" - Reset
Removes all the settings from the specific rules (blanks everything) - Optimize - !!!!!USE WITH CAUTION!!!!!
Will scan all the rules and combine rules with the same requirements but different sets into 1 rule. Sell rules are moved to the end (after all keep rules)
This will change the order of your rules - so rules that depend on a specific order will probably not work as expected until you move them into the same order again - NEW: FilterMode (Search for rules)
Enable filter mode (optionally use the reset button to clear existing filters)
You can filter by almost anything - it will show all the rules that match your filter
To Edit the rule you find - Double click it - it will disable the filter mode and jump to that rule location
You can change the column sizes - similar to how you would do it in Excel:
Pro tips
Rules for selling gear with 2 Flat substats (not suitable for amulets - as they only have flat stats)
Rules for selling gear with double rolls on flat stats (not suitable for amulets - as they only have flat stats)
*Adjust the values according to your typical gear stats
Running Multiple Accounts
Note: There is a hard limit (set by plarium) of running 5 accounts simultaneously.
Therefore, RSLH can run up to 5 accounts at the same time.
The more accounts you are running, the stronger your computer needs to be.
RAID takes a lot of CPU / GPU / Memory!
- To add another account, simply click the +
- Click Ja (Yes) to continue.
RSLH will automatically do the rest and open the Plarium Play client - Select / Add the account you want to run and click on Play to open the new Raid Window
The Names of the accounts you have open will show at the top.
To change between them, simply click on the account name you want to play with.
Make sure you are on the right account before starting any runs!
To close any of the account in RSLH, simply Right click on the account name again
How to troubleshoot problems (Self-help)
Note: The helper Self-heal on startup (replace missing/corrupt files) - there is NO REASON to re-install the helper.
Follow the below steps when troubleshooting issues with the helper:
- Update / Repair / Reinstall VC++ (for all problems where some info / data is not showing)
- There is no such thing as "I don't have Anti-Virus" - windows come with it built in and even disabling leaves parts of it running.
(this cause many of the "zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse" errors)
Refer to the Anti Virus settings
Refer to the Firewall settings - If you have problems updating the helper - use a mobile hotspot / VPN temporarily
- If you have artifacts / accessories / champions not showing - it may be a database corruption - if you delete the db file, the helper will rebuild it again.
- If you have tried everything and it's still not working - then try to delete your config
Reporting Bugs
Only report bugs that may affect other players
(real bugs - not errors you personally get)
Include the following information:
- Short description of the bug
- Is this a MAJOR / MINOR bug?
- Major bugs = cause damage to the account - like selling equipment that should not be sold or running infinitely and wasting all energy and gems
- Minor bugs = inconvenient, but does not cause damage (like not seeing shards info)
- Potential impact - like "May result in wanted items being sold" or "does not affect gameplay" or "may result in infinite runs / energy waste"
- Video or FULL screenshot that shows the problem
- Steps to to trigger the bug (makes it easier for the Mods to test it)
Getting Help
You can get additional help by going to the Discord server on:
Then check one of the following channels:
Read the pinned messages (in discord) and Known Errors (below) before posting.
Known Errors
Startup / Updating
- ChError: Exception ENetHTTPClientException..Fehler beim Sender der Daten (12002) The operation timed out.
- clear you internet browser cache
- try updating while connected to mobile hotspot
- try updating while connected to VPN (temporarily - this bypass security on your wifi router)
- Error: RSLHelper.exe is "in use by another process"
Something on your computer is causing the helper to close slower than expected.
Close the helper.
Go to C:\Program Files\RSL_Helper_V4 (or _V6) and run RSLHelper_Updater.exe as administrator. - Crash (after a few seconds)
This has been reported by users that use webroot / AVG / BitDefender
(click the link to the specific settings for these apps)
If you have another security program -Refer to the Anti Virus settings and set similar exclusions / exceptions for the helper in all your security programs. - Helper does not connect / Unknown game content
- Update / Repair / Uninstall VC++ - Refer to Prerequisites
Ensure that Antivirus and Exploit protection is configured - Refer to the Anti Virus settings - If the above steps didn't fix it - Delete (or rename) the config folder in %appdata%/rslhelper (C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\RslHelper)
Restart the helper - you will have default configurations, so need to load your sell-files again. - This app can't run on your PC
Refer to the Anti Virus settings and update RSLH again.
Note: If you have a 32bit OS, the Helper will not run on your PC as it is a 64Bit program. - Database disk image is malformed
Delete the *.db file(s) in the %appdata%/rslhelper folder (C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\RslHelper) - [FireDAC][Phys][SQLite] ERROR: ************
Delete the *.db file(s) in the %appdata%/rslhelper folder (C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\RslHelper) - I use a RDP session to my helper system - helper crashes when i close the RDP client
- Open gpedit.msc Browse to Computer Configuration --> Administrative Templates --> Windows Components --> Remote Desktop Services --> Remote Desktop Session Host --> Session Time Limits. And set the first 3 settings to "never"
- Then to to Computer Configuration --> Administrative Templates --> Windows Components --> Remote Desktop Services --> Session Host/Remote Session Environment and set:
- Hardware acceleration for all Remote Desktop Service sessions. - Enabled
- Use WDDM graphics driver for Remote Desktop Connections. - Disabled
Something is blocking the connection to the update server
Note: Some Network / Wi-Fi routers have built in security that can block "malicious" (perceived) downloads. These security definitions are updated all the time... and we see this impacting more frequently
"Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse..." errors
- Most Common Cause:
- Update / Repair / Reinstall VC++
- Anti Virus and Exploit Protection Settings are wrong / missing
There is no such thing as "I don't have Anti-Virus" - windows come with it built in and even disabling it, leaves parts of it running.
How to set anti-virus exclusions (video) - when doing artifact upgrades:
- Refer to the Firewall settings (this helps to improve speed - prevents the firewall inspecting and potentially blocking traffic)
Refer to Exploit protection settings this is very important
Refer to Artifacts / Accessories in my Inventory does not exist in RAID (the same steps are used) - If you have tried everything and it's still not working - then delete the *.dll and rslSim.dat file from C:\Program Files\RSL_Helper_V6 (or V4) the helper will re-download them when you start the helper again.
- Caused by a corruption in your DB files
Delete the *.db file(s) in the %appdata%/rslhelper folder (C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\RslHelper)
Start the helper again - it will rebuild the DB file
- Update / Repair / Uninstall VC++ - Refer to Prerequisites
Ensure that Antivirus and Exploit protection is configured - Refer to the Anti Virus settings
If the above steps didn't fix it - Delete (or rename) the CONFIG folder in %appdata%/rslhelper (C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\RslHelper)
Restart the helper - you will have default configurations, so need to load your sell-files again. - NOTE: Multi Seat / User sharing applications that allow multiple users to use the same computer simultaneously. These applications often use different memory allocation and can prevent the helper from reading game data. Sometimes running the Helper from another profile works. But this is not supported in the Helper, as it is not aware of these user containers.
Gameplay (mis)behaviour
- Dungeon/Campaign run stops after 1 or 2 runs
- Forgot to DEselect "Multi level XP"
- Make sure at least 1 of the following is set: "Auto refills", "Run effective resources", "Run infinitely"
- Champion stats only shows the base stats
- Make sure that you start RSLH before Raid. (The helper will start Raid for you)
In some rare cases, a ghost process may be stuck (if raid crashed recently) - restart the helper - Event / Tournament tracker is not showing information / show that events are closed
- The helper updates this information after every run - do 1 battle to update it
- Event / Tournament tracker is stopping after 1 run
- Refer to Events and Tournaments
Make sure you have either "Run Effective Resources" or "Auto Refill" selected - Doesn't show the normal tournament / CvC / rewards info (after Hydra)
- Click the report view button
- Run stops on the sell gear screen, but still shows running.
- This is often caused by the game lagging for a second or 2 (longer than your wait times in the settings page). To get RSLH to continue, manually sell the gear, click replay. At the end of the run, click on Sell. At this stage RSLH should take over again (as it is on the screen it was waiting for at the end of the previous run).
If this happens frequently, check your click & Sell timings in the settings screen. Try slowing it down a bit. - Forge stops after a few runs
- Check your forge and sell timings in the settings screen. Try slowing it down a bit.
You probably need to restart RSLH before you can try again.
Champions / Artifacts / Accessories
- Campions missing or don't show all info or
Artifacts / Accessories don't show in Inventory or
Artifacts / Accessories in my Inventory does not exist in RAID - Close the Helper, but keep Raid open.
Start the helper again, do 1 run.
If that didn't fix the problem: Delete the *.db file(s) in the %appdata%/rslhelper folder (C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\RslHelper) - clear cache in Plarium Play the start the helper
- do some runs in Raid (might take a 2-3 runs) while helper is loaded
- Newly collected Artifacts / Accessories don't show in Inventory
- Turn the level filter down to level ZERO (0) - new items are level ZERO
Sell File
- I want to start over with a CLEAN sell file
- Click on "Load Setup" and load this blank sell-file.
Then follow the steps to SAVE AS and and LOAD the newly created file you just created with SAVE AS - My sell file does not automatically load when i restart the helper
- Go to %appdata%\RslHelper\config
Edit the *.INI file that match your raid account's UMXXXX number
Remove the entries directly under [AutoSellSetup]
Restart the helper and load your HSF file.